Centre for European Transformation has conducted the third comprehensive study in form of monitoring of the implementation of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions by the Republic of Belarus.
Publication |
Civil society in Belarus 2015-2021: from stable development to new challenges
We present a collection of articles “Civil society in Belarus 2015-2021: from stable development to new challenges”.
The Belarusian Civil Society: dynamics of change in an unfriendly environment
We present a Discussion paper of dynamics of changes in the Belarusian civil society in 2015-2017.
Belarusan human rights defenders’ view on human rights activity and questions of cooperation between Belarusan human rights organizations
We present a research results report of Belarusan human rights organizations sector.
Social base of transformation programs in Belarus
We present a sociological research report (abridged version) of social base of transformation programs in Belarus.
Potential and opportunities for launching in Belarus the mechanisms to enjoyment of all human rights by persons with disabilities
We present a research results report (abridged version) of potential and opportunities for launching in Belarusan regions the mechanisms of local planning to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities.
Civil society’s role and place in the system of donor assistance to Belarus (2006-2014)
The Centre for European Transformation has prepared a working paper on civil society’s role and place in the system of external assistance to Belarus in 2006-2014.
Monitoring of How the Republic of Belarus Implements the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
We present a monitoring report of how Belarus Implements the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.
A usual circle. No sanctions, no changes
After the abolition of the sanctions, the EU and Minsk will further expect from each other for the steps that no one is going to take. The situation in the country will not change; only the third force can affect it. If the Belarusan civil society doesn’t become this third force, then Russia will become it.
Capacity of youth non-governmental organizations and Initiative groups for cooperation in addressing common objectives
The Centre for European Transformation, commissioned by the Office for European Expertise and Communication, in April-June 2015 was carried out a study to assess the interaction potential of Belarusan youth NGOs in the solution of common tasks.
Andrei Yahorau — Al Jazeera: “Lukashenko is irresponsible”
He said Belarus would likely face economic tightening not only as a result of the coronavirus pandemic but also a Russian trade oil crisis that worsened this past winter.