Belarusan Foreign Ministry withdrew from “Minsk Forum” in Vilnius

EuroBelarus Information Service

Belarusan Foreign Ministry isn’t participating in the conference “Future EU policies towards Belarus” that takes place on October 28-29 in Vilnius.

The conference basically succeeded “Minsk Forum”, which had been taking place for many years under the auspices of German Assembly and had been aimed at the development of Belarus-Europe cooperation.

Among the possible participants of the Forum in Vilnius were formally listed Vladimir Makei, Belarusan Foreign Minister, and Elena Kupchina, Deputy Foreign Minister. However, Belarusan Foreign Ministry informed about its non-participation in the conference.

Yet the conference invited a lot of European public and state actors, representatives of Belarusan civil society and opposition.

Thus, as it is said in the program of the event, among the participants are Linas Linkevičius, Lithuanian Foreign Minister; Andrius Krivas, Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; Ulad Vialichka, the chairperson of the Coordination Committee of the National Platform of the EaP CSF and the head of the International Consortium “EuroBelarus”; Maira Mora, head of the European Union’s Delegation to Belarus; Andrei Yahorau, the director of the Centre for European Transformation; Antje Leendertse, the German Foreign Office's envoy for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia; Rainer Lindner, Chairman of the Minsk Forum and a number of other political and public actors from Belarus and European countries.
