Andrei Yahorau: “People’s Referendum” is an equivocal initiative

Zmicier Kazlouski, EuroBelarus

The realism of “Tell the Truth!” Campaign unification with the Movement for Freedom and Belarusan Popular Front Party (BPF Party) around the initiative of the “People’s Referendum” evokes certain doubts.

This opinion in the talk with the EuroBelarus Information Service shared Andrei Yahorau, political scientist and the head of the Centre for European Transformation.

Any movement towards consolidation and common actions should be viewed as positive,” he agrees. “But as it was already stated, this consolidation should be real. And now all that we have is the announcement that common actions will be put undertaken and that certain alliance already exists”.

What exactly evokes doubts in the realism of the union created by “Tell the Truth!” campaign, the Movement for Freedom and the BPF Party?

First, the number of leaders surpasses the number of structures that are part of the union. “It is still a shapeless union, with no common brand and no representation,” the political scientist noted.

Besides, the announced actions aimed at holding “People’s Referendum” are an equivocal initiative that has no settings and no criteria of feasibility. “It means that we can’t control from outside whether people are moving towards their goal when it is unclear what are they trying to achieve since there are no concrete stages, points and parameters to measure the achievements. Some process is going on, but its sense, aims, its evaluation and estimation is unclear,” explained Andrei Yahorau.

He highlighted that all the above mentioned “disrupts the belief in the realism of this union”. “Nevertheless, we can still watch how this union is going to grow, though we can’t say how exactly it will be developing,” stated Andrei Yahorau.
