The Week of Belarusan Thinking is happening between September 19-25!

Flying University

The event schedule of the Week of Belarusan Thinking, which will be held from 19-25 September, has been formed!

Dozens of different events across the country will unite Belarusans, for whom thinking is an absolute value. And it's not just philosophers and thinkers — the organizers emphasize that by thinking they mean not only professional identity, but above all the ability to speak freely, consciously and reasonably.

A number of civil society institutions and educational institutions have united by the idea of ​​ Belarusan thinking as a part of our identity and self-understanding of the nation. At the end of May 2015 a joint cultural project Quote Your Own! was launched, which served as the start of the Year of Belarusan thinking. Bright events of the year widely and publicly represent the intellectual achievements of Belarus and promote them in contemporary culture.

The initiative Quote Your Own! continued with the publication of the book and the creation of original design T-shirts; the Anthology of Belarusan thinking “The Code of Presence” has been published and presented; a series of public lectures and discussions “Heritage of Ihnat Abdziralavich” took place, and an essay contest was announced. The results of the competition and the awards ceremony will be held on September 25, marking the final event of the Week.

Thus, the Week of Belarusan Thinking, which will take place in Belarus from 19-25 September, aims at summing up the results of the Year and presenting the diversity of forms and manifestations of Belarusan thinking in the modern Belarusan society.

The list of organizers of the Week of Belarusan Thinking includes: International Consortium “EuroBelarus”, the Flying University, Budzma Belarusami public campaign, the Belarusan Collegium, Mova Nanova, Belarusan Magazine, LohvinaŬ bookstore and the Political Sphere Institute of Political Studies.

The Week of Belarusan Thinking will be launched with the exhibition “Cogito Albarutheniae. The panorama of Belarusan thinking”, which is organized by EuroBelarus, the Flying University, and the Belarusan Collegium. The opening will take place on September 16 at 19.00 in Korpus8 space. The organizers emphasize that the exhibition starts on Friday, on the eve of the Week, and hope that thanks to it, the participants will get inspired by the atmosphere, collect their thoughts, decide on their schedule among the events of the Week, and plunge into it.

More than ten organizations, communities and the initiatives all over Belarus joined the Week of Belarusan Thinking. The events of the Week will take place at different venues in Minsk, as well as in Astraviec, Babrujsk, Brest, Viciebsk, HomeÍ, Hrodna, and Mahiiliou. All events of the Week have free admission!

You can find the detailed and up-to-date program of the Week of Belarusan Thinking here (in Belarusan), as well as on the website of the Flying University.

Follow the announcements on our Facebook page.

For additional or more specific information, please contact via email: The organizers will gladly answer all your questions!

See you at the events of the Week of Belarusan Thinking!
