Unfortunately, the attacks in Madrid, London, Paris, and Brussels haven’t developed an antidote to terrorist threats in the European security system.
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Andrei Yahorau: Savchenko has become a major factor in Ukrainian politics
And in the person of Savchenko Kremlin got a hostage, whom it can use in bargaining with Ukraine and the West.
Ulad Vialichka: Relaunch of the Belarus-EU dialogue is taking place without civil society participate
Belarus, i.e. Belarusan authorities and to some extent — the civil society has all leverages for relaunching Belarus-EU relations.
Freedom of conscience and law — limitations compel to ignoring
The Centre for European Transformation completed a study of how believers percept the Belarusan legislation in the field of freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.
Uladzimir Matskevich: Total lying has become court practice, which poses threat to every citizen
Central district court of Minsk tried to convict Uladzimir Matskevich for participating in a rally, who, meanwhile was outside Belarus. Instead of “the feasible” contribution to replenish the state treasury in the form of a fine, Uladzimir Matskevich revealed the scheme of false testimony in Belarusan courts.
Uladzimir Matskevich: Belarus will have to go through the period of publicity
Signs of publicity are already looming on the horizon, but the decisiveness of the regime for changes is not visible yet.
Uladzimir Matskevich: The Kremlin considers Belarus to be its territory
If Russia needs to occupy Belarus, it will only have to give an order to the Belarusan army, not dislocate more troops in the country.
Ulad Vialichka: Civil society wants to take part in relaunch of the EU-Belarus relations
The problem is that the Belarusan authorities should make certain steps for the sake of National Dialog.
Andrei Yahorau: Russia will inevitably allocate a loan to Belarus
Russia can’t leave Belarus without support unless it wants to completely lose it, even if only in the status of a symbolic ally.
Uladzimir Matskevich: Dzmitryeu and Karatkevich behave “properly” — they entered the authorities’ game
What relations with the opposition the authorities want to have? Why has Uladzimir Matskevich agreed to work at ONT? Why he doesn’t become politician himself since he knows and talks so much about it?
Andrei Yahorau — Al Jazeera: “Lukashenko is irresponsible”
He said Belarus would likely face economic tightening not only as a result of the coronavirus pandemic but also a Russian trade oil crisis that worsened this past winter.