5th International Congress of Belarusan Studies will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania

EuroBelarus Information Service

On October 2-4, 2015 about 450 scientists from 22 countries will arrive to Kaunas to discuss the results of their research over one year.

The International Congress of Belarusan Studies is the chief event of the academic and expert community, traditionally organized by the Political Sphere Institute of Political Studies. The work of science sections and panels will be taking place in the Vytautas Magnus University.

This time the focus of attention will be given not only to Belarus, but to the whole region of Central and Eastern Europe. In the run of three days wide problematics — from economy, politics, and international relations to history, linguistics and cultural problems — will be discussed.

Within the frames of the Congress the award for the best scientific publication in three nominations: history, social and political studies, and humanitarian sciences will be given. Short-lists of nominees have already been announced.

The Congress will dedicate much attention to safety issues, informed one of the organizers of the Congress, Andrei Kazakevich, the director of the Political Sphere Institute of Political Studies. It is related to the tendencies in our region — Ukrainian events and increased tension between Russia and the West in general. Several panels will be dedicated to this problem. The Congress will also examine the problems related to the European integration and migration in Belarus and in our region.

There will also be a special section dedicated to the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The priorities of this section are also changing in comparison with the former years. Just as earlier, a section dedicated to development of religion and churches with a bias towards wars, conflicts, and churches’ role in that will be working at the Congress. All in all, a lot of interesting things are awaiting us.

International panel is presented for polemics of specialists of basically all spheres of social and political and humanitarian disciplines — both for discussion and for receiving information.

The venue is:

Lietuva, Kaunas, K. Donelaičio g. 58, Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas (Vytautas Magnus University).

The date of the event is:

October 2-4, 2015.

You can download the programme of the Congress and find out the schedule of sections’ and panels’ working hours here.

EuroBelarus’ reference

The International Congress of Belarusan Studies was founded at the meeting of Belarusan and Lithuanian scholars and experts on October 6, 2010 in Kaunas, Lithuania. It is the most representative annual academic and expert event of Belarus. It gathers all main intellectual centres, which study Belarusan politics, society and culture. Besides, the congress presents a fine opportunity to develop new viable research and civil projects, exchange opinions and ideas, establish informal contacts with experts and academics from Belarus and other countries.
