#NobelRazam: Let’s celebrate the Nobel Prize Award to Svetlana Alexievich together!

EuroBelarus Information Service

The Nobel Prize Awards Ceremony 2015 is to take place at the Stockholm Concert Hall on December 10.

The project ”Cytuj svajo!” (Belarusan “Quote your own!”. — EuroBelarus IS) organized jointly by the International Consortium “EuroBelarus”, “Budz’ma Belarusami!” (“Let’s be Belarusans”. — EuroBelarus IS), the Flying University, the Belarusan Union of Designers, “Mova Nanova” (Belarusan “Language anew”. — EuroBelarus IS), and Belarusan Collegium initiate the festive flash mob to celebrate the Nobel Prize in Literature Award to our Belarusan writer Svetlana Alexievich.

The dates for the flash mob are December 10-13

The flash mob starts on December 10 — on the day of the Nobel Prize Awards Ceremony — and continues till December 13 — Saint Lucy’s Day: an ancient catholic holiday, which is mainly celebrated in Sweden. This day has relation both to the place the Novel Prize Award takes place as well as relation to our Novel prize winner, since the name “Lucia” is translated as “light” (“Svetlana” is a name derived from the Slavic word “svet” that can be translated into English as “light”. — EuroBelarus IS).

Where does the flash mob take place?

Any public space in any place of Belarus.

Who can join?

Anyone, both as an individual as well as an organization, who want to congratulate Svetlana Alexievich and join the common celebration.

What do we propose?

1. To organize live broadcast of the Award Ceremony in a public space or together with friends (broadcasting will be happening on December 10 and starts at 6.30 pm on Belarus time) or organize watching the recording of the ceremony. During the broadcast, it would be nice to lit candles to decorate the space as an association with the name of the writer and a symbol of the holiday, light, and any merry events in the country.

2. Before or after the broadcasting reading of extracts from Svetlana Alexievich’s books can be organized.

3. It would be great to organize a “mailbox” or a “chest” for congratulations to Svetlana Alexievich from anyone willing to at the place of watching the broadcasting or in a place available for the public, so that anyone willing to could put postcards or just a note with congratulations to the Novel prize winner. Boxes can be organized from December 10 or even earlier to December 24. After which we will collect all the boxes and give their content to Svetlana Alexievich as congratulation from the whole country.

4. Anyone willing to can upload their videos, photos or congratulations using the hashtags #нобельразам and #nobelrazam  (“NobelTogether” in Belarusan. — EuroBelarus IS) and we will collect all that into Facebook group specifically created for the flash mob.

This initiative will get full information support from the participants of the project “Cytuj svajo!” while all organizational part of the activities and events is the responsibility of those who respond to it.

You are welcome to join the special Facebook group so that to stay updated!
