The Director of Centre for European Transformation disapproved of the idea to form “International Brigades”. He believes that abolishment of draconian laws won’t make Maidan dissolve.
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Ulad Vialichka: The only thing in Ukraine that doesn’t fit in the Belarusan scenario is Maidan
Ukraine’s authorities have only two options: either to look for compromise with the protesters or build dictatorship. However, the second option is hindered by the active resistance of the society.
Uladzimir Matskevich: Ukraine’s future depends on whether Maidan will be peaceful
After yet another aggravation of Kiev events a number of media introduce the notion of “revolution”. But is it revolution that is unfolding in Ukraine now?
Uladzimir Matskevich: The regime still has enough resources to suppress social explosion
While the society is atomized and uncoordinated, the authorities will make isolated attacks on Belarusans’ rights and guarantees.
Andrei Yahorau: Not trusting the authorities, people still have no one else no trust
Belarusans refuse to trust the President and the government; however, people expect actions from them.
Ulad Vialichka: A year of unfulfilled even though modest hopes
Who could have thought in the 1990s that situation in the country would suggest analogies with the Soviet Union when Brezhnev was ruling the country.
Uladzimir Matskevich: Ukrainian events have allowed Belarusans to take a view at themselves
The external events that touched upon Belarus in 2013 made Belarusans think about the situation in their own country.
Andrei Yahorau: Belarusan authoritarian practice sprawls all over the region
How productive was 2013 for the civil society of Belarus and why?
Uladzimir Matskevich: Maidan cannot be held forever without clear feasible goals
Clear and feasible demands to the authorities should be formulated for the participants of Euromaidan, so they could stop their protest with realization of fulfilled duty.
Ulad Vialichka: For now there is no alternative to the Eastern Partnership
The Eastern Partnership program may become the basis for a new strategy of the European Union in relation to Eastern Europe.
From farewell to a new Eastern policy and towards a new development
Poland and Germany were both initiators and drivers of a New Eastern policy linked to the Eastern neighborhood and Russia/Soviet Union.