The Week of Belarusan Thinking ended with Liavon Volski concert (Photo)

Yauheniya Burshtyn, EuroBelarus Information Service, photo by author

A grand closing of a unique event took place in Minsk’s art space “Korpus8”.

More than 50 initiatives across the country, an exhibition of intellectual books, readings, theatrical events, discussions, games, and performances altogether made the Week of Belarusan Thinking, which was held for the first time. EuroBelarus Information Service, which was covering the events of the week in great detail, has visited its last ceremony.

“We've got a reason to think about our intellectual heritage and how it can be interpreted,” said one of the organizers of the Week, the coordinator of the Flying University Tatsiana Vadalazhskaya.

She said that within the frames of the week 40 events were held in Minsk, and 12 — in other cities.

“The Year of Belarusan thinking project and especially the Week of Belarusan Thinking are absolutely unique and will last until Belarusans start waiting it like a holiday.

It’s a utopia. But, you know, life without a utopia is so dull. I congratulate all with the emergence of the event,” commented the philosopher, writer, and head of the Department of Philosophy and Literature of the Belarusan Collegium Valiantsin Akudovich.

Uladzimir Matskevich and Valiantsin Akudovich

But the philosopher and methodologist Uladzimir Matskevich was more skeptical.

“I would not want to do a similar event next year. We have declared our presence. Belarus has thinking, whether you like it or not, and cannot be ignored. That's enough,” said Uladzimir Matskevich.

During the closing ceremony the winners of the essay competition “Intellectual heritage of Belarus: figures, ideas, contexts” were announced and awarded. The contest was a continuation of the initiative, “Quote your own” and gave the opportunity to speak on the topic of the Belarusan intellectual heritage.

Awarding the winners of the contest

Mikhail Bayaryn is awarding Tatiana Urubleuskaya-Toker

Iryna Dubianetskaya is awarding Anton Ulasenka

Uladzimir Matskevich congratulates Mikhail Baranouski

The real surprise of the evening was a cultural gift — performance by Liavon Volski, whose enchanting and memorable show was the closing event of the Week.
